President-Elect’s Column: Bridging Realities: A Media Psychologist’s Dive into the Apple Vision Pro Experience

Exploring Apple Vision Pro through the lens of narrative psychology and consumer behavior—where digital frontiers meet human experience

Kristian A Alomá, PhD
Founder & CEO, Threadline
President-Elect for Division 46

Apple Vision Pro marks a significant leap into the virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) arena, showcasing Apple’s unwavering commitment to design and user experience. This device is not just a new product; it is a new experience. As a psychologist with a focus on narrative psychology and consumer behavior, I am intrigued by how Apple Vision Pro redefines our interaction with stories, technology, and our environment.

A Portal to New Worlds: Immersion Beyond the Screen

The Vision Pro’s immersive capabilities are a game-changer, offering a blend of virtual and augmented realities that transport users to spaces and experiences beyond their imagination. My initial foray into a prehistoric world, Encounter Dinosaurs, was nothing short of magical. A butterfly landing on my finger evolved into a full-blown dinosaur encounter. It elicited feelings of wonder, awe, and a touch of fear. I was not just viewing a scene; I was living within it. The potential for storytellers to craft narratives that envelop the viewer, creating a truly immersive experience, is unprecedented.

This immersion brings with it a new level of responsibility for creators. Traditional media allows for a psychological distance, a recognition that we are engaging with a narrative. Apple Vision Pro, by contrast, almost dissolves this barrier, fully immersing us in the experience. This raises questions about the impact of intense or emotionally charged content when experienced in such an immersive way. With the fourth wall gone, how will I react to The Walking Dead when faced with some of those impossible decisions? If I am experiencing a story about terrorist acts, sexual crimes, or abusive relationships, how well will my mind maintain its protective mechanisms against something that feels so real?

But the risks are also balanced by opportunities. How much of the world would benefit from having more engaging experiences of other cultures, perspectives, and stories? How many of us need to have our conceptions about a place challenged? Emotional storytelling plays a powerful role in our lives—and a headset like the Vision Pro can enhance it.

The Work Paradigm Reimagined

My exploration of Apple Vision Pro’s potential as a workspace revealed a mix of promise and limitation (Figure 1). The idea of a virtual office, free from physical constraints, was enticing. Rather than having a separate space to house my computer, desk, keyboard, mouse, and multiple monitors, could my office live in the cloud? Could I sit down anywhere in my home, crown myself with the Apple Vision Pro, and enter the office? My experience, set against the backdrop of a serene Yosemite forest, initially seemed to fulfill this promise.

Figure 1

The ability to tailor my digital workspace, to surround myself with resources and tools in a clutter-free environment, was a revelation. An adjustable screen enabled me to see what my presentation might look like projected and widen the canvas of my work. I was able to bring up references all around my space. A previous deck on my left let me review what I had said before. Some of my blog posts on my right let me look for ideas to bring into the presentation. A timer reminded me of how much time I had allotted to this task. Yet, the device’s reliance on a mobile operating system exposed limitations in multitasking and application performance, sometimes hindering rather than enhancing productivity. This dichotomy highlights the gap between Apple Vision Pro’s potential and its current capabilities, suggesting that the journey to a fully virtual workspace is still ongoing.

Navigating the Interface: A Dance Between Intuition and Frustration

Apple Vision Pro’s interface, with its augmented overlays, aims to redefine digital interaction. The promise of eye tracking and gesture control is immense, offering a more intuitive way to engage with content. Yet, the learning curve and occasional unresponsiveness highlight the challenges of integrating such innovations into a seamless user experience.

Eye tracking and gesture control is a new language of interaction (Figure 2). People do not typically stare intently at a button on the screen to make sure they pinch the right one. And often, our hands gesture without the objective of expanding a screen or bringing up a menu. We are just talking with our hands or navigating our space.

Figure 2

This gap between innovation and usability is critical. Apple Vision Pro challenges us to rethink how we interact with technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. But this journey is not without its frustrations, as the need for familiar input methods for certain tasks remains evident.

Identity and Apple Vision Pro: Communicating from the Cloud

The device’s approach to online identity is particularly fascinating. Apple Vision Pro allows for a range of avatars, from whimsical illustrations to more realistic representations. My experience with the more realistic avatars was mixed; the attempt at a lifelike representation felt uncanny, highlighting the challenges of capturing the essence of human identity in a digital avatar (Figure 3). Or, if I quote my brother, “You look like a reanimated cadaver prepared by a poorly trained mortician.” My “cadavatar” disturbed almost everyone I spoke with.

Figure 3

This exploration of virtual identity raises broader questions about how we present ourselves in online spaces. Psychologists have been studying the ways online identities enhance, replace, or conflict with our identities offline. Virtual identities can be empowering for those who struggle to interact in the ways they want. Having an avatar online could let someone feel confident, strong, beautiful, and more. Apple Vision Pro’s avatars, while innovative, underscore the ongoing tension between authenticity and digital representation, offering a rich area for further exploration in media psychology.

Looking Forward: Potential and Risk

Apple Vision Pro represents more than just a technological advancement; it is a narrative device with the potential to shape our stories, identities, and interactions. Its development reflects a broader narrative within media psychology and technology, where the boundaries between creator, consumer, and the medium itself become increasingly intertwined. As this technology evolves, its capacity to influence narrative structures, consumer engagement, and psychological well-being will likely grow, presenting both opportunities and challenges for media psychologists, storytellers, and brands alike.

Like Apple devices generally, it may also never price itself to become the most accessible option either. Apple Vision Pro’s premium pricing strategy raises important questions about accessibility and the digital divide. As a device that could redefine media consumption, education, and even therapeutic practices, its high entry barrier could limit its transformative potential. From a consumer psychology standpoint, this pricing strategy reflects Apple’s positioning but also underscores the need for a broader conversation about equitable access to cutting-edge technology.

In conclusion, Apple Vision Pro offers a glimpse into a future where digital and physical realities merge more seamlessly, bringing new dimensions to storytelling, consumer engagement, and psychological exploration. As we stand on the brink of this new chapter, the device challenges us to reconsider not just the stories we tell through media, but also the roles we play within them—as creators, consumers, and psychologists studying both. The journey is just beginning, and Apple Vision Pro’s true impact on narrative psychology, branding, and consumer behavior remains a story yet to be fully told.